Competence Network: IVF-Naturelle® Your gentle way to having a baby
Dear Readers,
The wish to undergo milder infertility treatments has prompted us to develop the so-called “IVF-Naturelle®” technique, a special form of in vitro fertilization. We largely refrain from using hormone stimulation because the natural cycle produces better embryos and is more beneficial to women's health, and probably that of the children. We are a network of centres who specialize in IVF-Naturelle® and are constantly further developing it.
Prof. Michael von Wolff & the teams in Switzerland, Germany, Austria, Italy and Spain are looking forward to meeting you.
What is IVF-Naturelle®?
Book hint
A new book for IVF-Naturelle®!
Springer has published the first practical book on the various IVF therapies without or with minimal stimulation. The book presents the basics of IVF therapies, describes their clinical applications, costs, risks, success rates and much more on around 300 pages. Part of the book are also the approximately 30 studies carried out by the IVF-Naturelle Centre in Bern.
Prof. Dr. med. Michael von Wolff
Competence Network IVF-Naturelle®
The members of the "Competence Network" carry out IVF-Naturelle® therapy in the form in which it has been optimised over several years at the University Women's Hospital in Bern. Accordingly, all these centres have a high level of expertise. The centres have also committed themselves to documenting their treatments in detail and always reflecting on them with the centre in Berne in order to guarantee high quality and to constantly optimise them. Of course, all the centres listed below also carry out all other common fertility and IVF therapies.
Bern, Switzerland
Prof. Dr. Michael von Wolff
kïz) kinderwunsch im zentrum
München, Germany
PD Dr. Roxana Popovici
YUNA - Ostschweizer Kinderwunschzentrum
St.Gallen, Switzerland
Dr. Vera Hungerbühler
Barcelona, Spain
Dr. med. Markus Nitzschke
Kinderwunsch Frauenaerzte Neckarsulm
Neckarsulm, Germany
(Nähe Heilbronn/Stuttgart)
Dr. med. Stefan Eisenhardt
Villa Kinderwunsch
Ulm, Germany
Dr. Cosima Huober-Zeeb
Kinderwunschzentrum Bonner Bogen
Bonn, Germany
Dr. Eva-Maria Boogen & Dr. Ulrike Bohlen
Zentrum für Reproduktionsmedizin und Humangenetik Hildesheim
Hildesheim, Germany
Dr. med. Georg Wilke & Dr. med. Jan-Simon Lanowski
Luzerner Kantonsspital
Luzern, Switzerland
PD Dr. med. Alexandra Kohl Schwartz
Kinderwunschzentrum Baden
Baden-Dättwil, Switzerland
Dr. med. Martina Nordin &
Dr. med. Mischa Schneider
Wunschkinder Berlin
Berlin, Germany
Dr. med. Birgit-Petra Rudolph
Praxis für Kinderwunsch und Hormone
Hamburg, Germany
Dr. med. Osterholz-Zaleski & Dr. med. Urte Reinhardt
profertilita Kinderwunschzentrum
Regensburg, Germany
Dr. med. Angelika Eder & Prof. Dr. med. Sara Fill Malfertheiner
New Book about IVF-Naturelle!
For the first time, a practical guide on the various IVF therapies without or with minimal stimulation has been published.
The book presents the basics of IVF therapies, describes their clinical applications, costs, risks, success rates and much more on about 300 pages. Part of the book are also about 30 studies conducted by the IVF-Naturelle center in Bern. Also, 2 large
The technique of IVF in a natural cycle is as old as IVF itself. However, over the last decades, IVF techniques have shifted more towards IVF with high-dose hormone stimulation.
IVF in a largely natural cycle, i.e. IVF-Naturelle® as defined by us, is not commonly used and therefore the procedures and treatment results are only partly understood by many.